Then there'll be stories for children
My next book in the publishing pipeline is a prose venture, written to
be read aloud to young children from the age of about three and a half.
There will be three separate stories in the book which I have called
The Mind’s Eye. Here's why.
times are so dominated by visual media that I fear the precious power
of the mind to formulate its own pictures may dwindle. Typically, a
story book for young children will have glorious colour pictures and
simple, repetitive text. But my experience of reading aloud to my small
relatives is that they will respond happily to the chance to create
their own images as the story unfolds. There is a precious moment, I
have found, when the child’s head tilts slightly sideways, the eyes
peering into the middle distance rather than up into my face.
stories are long, divided into many chapters, allowing for development
of plot and character, and use reasonably complex vocabulary and
sentence structure. I believe a young child, given a lively and
expressive reading by the adult, can respond to the challenge. I think
that few things are more delightful and worthwhile than reading aloud to
a beloved child!
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